keep it simple

it's as complicated as you make it out to be

Sunday, November 21, 2010


and so i've touched down safely. weather notwithstanding, i feel pretty blessed i'm back. cause i've ate and slept. and ate. and realised that i can get a meal here for less than $5!

coming back i've realised a few things. first, that pretty much everything that was routine is still routine. i still can close my eyes and go through the take clothes-turn on heater-shower (no elaboration since this place is family friendly :))-dump clothes in basket routine. i still know where to plug in my laptop charger. i still know how to place the fan at night so i can sleep comfortably. (yes! i slept through last night without the air-con and didn't wake up sweating- achievement of the day!). the set top box at home has been changed so channel surfing isn't as intuitive, and i was a little disturbed by it, but i'm getting around. all in all, familiarity's nice. like anqing said, makes me feel like i belong :) conclusion: 19>1

second. having come back from a year of independence for the first time, i think i'm feeling a little restricted (hahaha luckily my parents don't read this). not that i'm not allowed to go where i want to, i think it's more of i'm expected to let them know where i want, and i've to be accountable. so i'm less prone to going out on a whim i guess. another thing to get around i guess

third. i think it hit me today that the people i see everyday now are my parents and my sister, not friends (ok la ok la, family :D) from b&g and anu. different. very different.

fourth. the. weather. is. pretty. unbearable. i think i'll have 3 showers today.

on a happier note, i've already had local food! the chicken rice on board the flight wasn't that bad, so i'll count it. carrot cake, bean curd, curry puff, chee kueh, and dumpling soup down!

ooh my dad just bought taupok back! one more down!


edit: baby kailan. and i finally finally had my old chang kee. i can sleep a happy man tonight


Anonymous Tiffany said...

Lol so fast eat so many things already. I think I've only had home cooked food and popiah. Good good. First time back is always more exciting. :D

I miss the bng high pressure showers!! And yes, the weather is...this is not fresh air.

Haha...I didn't sit at my usual dinner table seat and my brother kept staring at me throughout the meal.

You'll get used to it after many trips to and fro!

I'm still not used to how puny the SG coins are. Like the 50c is so small!!

8:45 pm  
Anonymous Tiffany said...

Lol for a moment I thought I was such a stalker. Your post is at 8.48pm but it's now only 8.46pm!! Then I realised it's Aus time. :D

8:47 pm  
Blogger wenhui said...

haha. yes about the coins here! i had to look at the 50c twice to make sure it was correct.

and ya i think changes are the most apparent the first time round. so some of it really came as a surprise!

10:06 pm  

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