keep it simple

it's as complicated as you make it out to be

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


well this is the last of 4 promised after this i'll be free again! which means you probably wouldn't see a new post tomorrow, and the next one will come in some time (always a subtle way to say a long time). before we get to the main topic for today, i'm going to complain for a bit.

slept for less 3 hours yesterday to compile survey results for pw (i need 15 hours of sleep a day, so just do the maths and realise how sleep-deprived i was). after i finished there was actually a sense of satisfaction because there was finally something substantial i could show to my st after about 7 months? then they had to have the dialogue thing with the 2nd permanent secretary for education drag on past the second period, effectively ending pw. so basically i did the work for nothing. besides the fact that i won't have to do anything for thurday's session.

wow whining sure takes up a lot of space. anyway let's get to today's topic proper: phones. have you ever wondered how mobile phone companies come up with names for different models. like why do they call it the v3x, why not v4x? or w3x? or the l6 and l7. why l? and not j or k or something.. (yes you can see a pattern here, i'm shamelessly promoting motorola phones)

it's the same thing with nokia, with the 6230, 6280, 3120, 8310, 7610, 7380 and blah blah (yes lol i did my research). other companies have similar names for their phones, so i believe there's no need to elaborate further. maybe they pick winning 4d numbers from 6 years ago and then use one to start a series by adding 10 or 50 to each new phone in the same series. or maybe they engage some experienced fortune teller and get his parrot to pick the numbers. ah well. but if anyone does have an answer, do let me know.

well i guess that's it while i get back to my work, which is still piling up. i heard the other day that people have begun to mug for the promos, while my resolution for august was to do (all) my tutorials. go figure. haha..well it was fun while it lasted, but i guess you won't be seeing anything new soon. maybe this weekend or next week.

on a side note, now at least my archives for august won't be empty :D



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