keep it simple

it's as complicated as you make it out to be

Saturday, July 29, 2006

dumb people do dumb things

yup, that's right, and i just did something dumb, so track my progress as i TRY to post for 4 consecutive days. now that would qualify as a hot favourite for my lifetime achievement award, which kind of highlights how sad my life is actually..but moving on..

keeping in line with doing dumb things, i just remembered a pretty cool bet i made a few weeks ago. someone (can't remember who) wanted to bet with me that a certain event (again i can't remember what, but it was something quite unlikely to happen) wouldn't take place in my lifetime. the cool part? if it takes place while i'm still alive, then i win the bet and the stake (again i can't rememver what). if it doesnt take place, he/she can only win after i die, so there's no one to claim whatever we betted. so either way i don't lose! fun!!

hmm ok i had no lessons the whole day (or the whole half day) but i went to school! just for college day rehearsal. and i reached school like at 7.20? in essence i stoned for about 3 hours..yup another case of dumb man doing dumb stuff..

ah well..something random..i find that my posts are always longer than i feel they are when i'm typing. it always feels short when i'm typing but when i publish it it's like whoa! lol ok i said it's random..

so i think this post will turn out longer than i expect as well. last point. it's fun to play with time! i need to have 4 posts in total, one each day, so since its just past 12 it's saturday! which means i can post on sunday night which is like nearly 48 hours away..which means it's 2 days but only 1 day! right..thats it for post number 1 in the record-breaking series..


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