keep it simple

it's as complicated as you make it out to be

Sunday, July 23, 2006

blog hopping

ok i think this is something that will never happen again..2 posts in consecutive days! this is a candidate for the achievement of a lifetime, so let's see who manages to read this first..after yesterday's post, i'm sure no one comes here now (you have to figure out how come people still tag, if you do let me know) and if you're the first, tag! (-.-) and maybe there'll be a prize. maybe.

anyway, i've been blog hopping by clicking on that next blog thing at the top right hand corner. so basically i've been visiting strangers' blogs to see what they talk about. and i think if you were to do the same and focus on teenage singaporean blogs, you would find a common theme (most of them at least): anger

so basically a blog could be something like 'i hate life cause life sucks and i want to go kill someone or something' and after seeing many (not all) blogs like that, it's quite amusing but worrying as well. so again we come to the why question.

maybe it's because life in singapore is so stressful teens need an avenue to rant/scream/vent frustrations. maybe it's because parents give their children so much pressure they can't take it anymore. since their peers face similar problems it's sometimes not enough to tell others. enter the virtual world. or maybe having an angry blog is just in line with being 'cool' so one can brag to his friends.

before i get ki-ed again (i promise i will talk about this one day lol), just want to end off. personally i've seen enough of bloggers posting a two line post about some vague topic. i mean seriously, if you're blogging, i think you would want to be understood. if you want to remain mysterious, then write in a diary or something. then again i can't control people, so just a thought. yup.


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