keep it simple

it's as complicated as you make it out to be

Monday, July 03, 2006

i have a blog

Well yes, after about 2 years of deliberation, i've finally decided to start a blog.
Um, a few points:
1. I'm LAZY. there's a reason why im starting to blog only now..i don't know how long this can last but we'll see.
2. It's going to be mostly crap here. If you want to see cool philosophical stuff, go to my brother's blog (which, incidentally, has a similar template. He copied me, even though he got his blog started first, figure out how that's possible) . I'll TRY to have a few links up soon. Meanwhile, if you're dying to visit his blog, go to
3. Do tag (once the tagboard's up, if it's ever going to be up :D)
4. I'm not sure, but i think this boring template's going to stay awhile unless maybe some IT whiz offers help (hint hint)
ok, have fun!


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