keep it simple

it's as complicated as you make it out to be

Sunday, September 03, 2006

of horoscopes and prediction

have been wanting to do this one for some time now, so here goes...

i'm not sure how many people believe in the horoscopes that can be found everywhere, but here's one way to look at the ones based on zodiac sign: you're telling me that more than half a billion people share the same fate everyday, or should do the same thing everyday. go figure.

anyway, saw an interesting one in the sunday times today. this one's for virgo.

"Those of your zodiac sign understand the value of building lasting things. You're taking baby steps now and the quality of your intentions and actions will have ramifications for the future."

now, if it were to be believed, and everyone reading the virgo section belonged to virgo since it applies to them, the first sentence is quite pointless. why bother to say 'those of your zodiac sign' when everyone the horoscope belongs to are of the zodiac sign anyway?

another thing i have against horoscopes is that they are so general. so it says whatever we do now will have an impact and a consequence in the future. wow. that's surprising. of course it won't apply to everything, but surely most of our actions will have a bearing on what happens next. my point being? the horoscope is pretty redundant.

of course, this is my personal opinion and everyone is entitled to theirs. so if you disagree with anything here let me know. it's just that i'm a little tired of people saying how this prediction they read from some paper turned out to be true, so here i am ranting.


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