keep it simple

it's as complicated as you make it out to be

Monday, July 31, 2006

random musings

ok i'm more than halfway through and with the completion of this post i'll be setting a new record! but of course it won't stand for long. before we move on to the main topic of today, let's try something.

don't read this paragraph. stop reading it right now. it's going to be a waste of your time. seriously, you'll regret it if you continue so i advise you to just stop and move on to the next paragraph. u'll be kicking yourself for wasting 1 min of your precious time. because the paragraph ends here. and i bet u just read all of that. feel cheated? :D

ok, that was random and uncalled for, but let's move on. watched lake house on saturday night. wasn't that good a movie i guess..a little draggy at times. so after awhile (maybe 20 minutes) i knew the whole movie wasn't going to make sense, and hmm..i think the what i'm trying to get across isn't very clear, but i must say it's incredibly difficult not being a spoiler here. so kudos to film reviewers. i think i'll try to do a proper review next time. that will probably deter me from watching another movie soon.

anyway, on to more interesting stuff. heard something pretty cool on radio the other day. the story (it's not really a story, but..) goes like this. a boy buying sweets in a shop would always approach a certain cashier (say A) and not any other one to get his sweets. why? when he asked for 100 grams of sweets, the others would grab a big handful exceeding 100g and remove sweets one by one till it hit 100g. A, on the other hand, would grab less than 100g and slowly add one sweet after another till it hit 100g. all before his very eyes. different method, same result. naturally, the boy preferred to see sweets being addded rather than taken away. this is what i call the sweet selling theory. as with all theories, let's try to apply it.

i was thinking that maybe that's what haggling does. i'm sure many of us have been to china and gleefully pushed down prices by one third, half or even more after seemingly endless bickering with the shopkeeper. so the marked price in this case is the instance when the small handful of sweets are placed on the scale, the bringing down of the price is the addition of the sweets and the deal is done when both parties reach a compromise, when the scale reads 100g. we walk away happily calculating the percentage discount and then brag to others, while the shopkeeper shuts up but knows deep inside that he/she has pocketed a handsome profit. because they would have factored in the haggling process and upped the marked price. fun huh.

wow this post is getting quite long, so i think i'll end here. well i'm 3/4 done, and still not believing i initiated such a dumb deal. but maybe i'll be more inclined to blog after this 4 day spell. or maybe i'll grow bored of it. we'll see. thats it then. time for pw.


Sunday, July 30, 2006


well it's the first time i'm posting in the afternoon (the first one's not counted, the time thing was screwed up then) and i must say it feels different compared to posting at midnight or something<---dumb statement of the day. i mean it's so bright! as in there's sunlight! wow! -.-

it's been a pretty uneventful weekend (nope, college day's not worth a mention. oh, and i just mentioned it.) i think i'll talk a little about something else. there's nothing worth watching on tv on weekends (don't tell me about cable..i'm too poor to afford it) i turn it on, surf through a few channels and turn it off again. why, i think the games played on channel u like the tank thing or the waterbomb shooting one before transmission begins are more interesting la..i find myself glued to the screen waiting for someone to kill the guy with the highest score and then wonder if the guy will come back for revenge/cry at home/start swearing or something. yup..kind of shows how boring weekend tv is..

anyway, a few years back, there would be this bollywood movie every sunday on central, from 1 to 4 in the afternoon or that was cool! i remember it would probably be the only show worth looking forward to the whole of saturday and sunday. yes i can see your mouths wide open now but seriously, the movies were full of action, comedy, dancing, lip synching..basically everything that would rescue a boring weekend. but they're gone now..there're still movies, but they're not as good. sad :(

hmm well let's see its nearly 5 now so i think i'll get back to homework. pw. argh.. before i forget i'll have a list of stuff i'll blog about tomorrow.
-lake house
-theory of sweet selling
not much of a list, but we'll see how it goes. and i bet you're thinking what the second means, so come back tomorrow to find out! (always a good way to get people to come back to your blog :D)


Saturday, July 29, 2006

dumb people do dumb things

yup, that's right, and i just did something dumb, so track my progress as i TRY to post for 4 consecutive days. now that would qualify as a hot favourite for my lifetime achievement award, which kind of highlights how sad my life is actually..but moving on..

keeping in line with doing dumb things, i just remembered a pretty cool bet i made a few weeks ago. someone (can't remember who) wanted to bet with me that a certain event (again i can't remember what, but it was something quite unlikely to happen) wouldn't take place in my lifetime. the cool part? if it takes place while i'm still alive, then i win the bet and the stake (again i can't rememver what). if it doesnt take place, he/she can only win after i die, so there's no one to claim whatever we betted. so either way i don't lose! fun!!

hmm ok i had no lessons the whole day (or the whole half day) but i went to school! just for college day rehearsal. and i reached school like at 7.20? in essence i stoned for about 3 hours..yup another case of dumb man doing dumb stuff..

ah well..something random..i find that my posts are always longer than i feel they are when i'm typing. it always feels short when i'm typing but when i publish it it's like whoa! lol ok i said it's random..

so i think this post will turn out longer than i expect as well. last point. it's fun to play with time! i need to have 4 posts in total, one each day, so since its just past 12 it's saturday! which means i can post on sunday night which is like nearly 48 hours away..which means it's 2 days but only 1 day! right..thats it for post number 1 in the record-breaking series..

Sunday, July 23, 2006

blog hopping

ok i think this is something that will never happen again..2 posts in consecutive days! this is a candidate for the achievement of a lifetime, so let's see who manages to read this first..after yesterday's post, i'm sure no one comes here now (you have to figure out how come people still tag, if you do let me know) and if you're the first, tag! (-.-) and maybe there'll be a prize. maybe.

anyway, i've been blog hopping by clicking on that next blog thing at the top right hand corner. so basically i've been visiting strangers' blogs to see what they talk about. and i think if you were to do the same and focus on teenage singaporean blogs, you would find a common theme (most of them at least): anger

so basically a blog could be something like 'i hate life cause life sucks and i want to go kill someone or something' and after seeing many (not all) blogs like that, it's quite amusing but worrying as well. so again we come to the why question.

maybe it's because life in singapore is so stressful teens need an avenue to rant/scream/vent frustrations. maybe it's because parents give their children so much pressure they can't take it anymore. since their peers face similar problems it's sometimes not enough to tell others. enter the virtual world. or maybe having an angry blog is just in line with being 'cool' so one can brag to his friends.

before i get ki-ed again (i promise i will talk about this one day lol), just want to end off. personally i've seen enough of bloggers posting a two line post about some vague topic. i mean seriously, if you're blogging, i think you would want to be understood. if you want to remain mysterious, then write in a diary or something. then again i can't control people, so just a thought. yup.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

pass or fail?

well i think if i delay my post any longer i'll probably be dead by monday afternoon, so here goes..

what's the benchmark for a pass or fail for a test/assignment/examination?

i suppose half a year into jc, it's still quite hard to accept 45 (as compared to 50) as the passing mark. But why should 50 (or half the total marks) be seen as a pass, and how is 45 less of a pass than 50?
it seems like we have been accustomed to regarding half the total mark as a the passing mark. case in point: 1 month ago(?), wilson was talking about some race he took part in where there was some point system. the winning team 'failed' in the sense that they didn't manage to score half the maximum points. yup..lousy example, but still..

really, if you think about it, who said that you had to get 50% to pass? its just that at the primary and secondary levels (and maybe kindergarten), we 'failed' if we didnt get half the total. so 7.5/16 for a maths test was a fail, and a 5/10 would be a pass..

but on a happier note, it's now mathematically easier to pass! like if you ignore all other variables (ie. ceteris paribus) we now have a 55% chance of passing! compared to 50%! which is like a 10% increase! (in terms of the 50 la) but on a more realistic note ceteris paribus does not exist in the real world (that would have gotten me 1 mark for econs) which means we need to STUDY so go mug for promos instead of coming here so often..peer pressure is amazing..well that's my second post!

Monday, July 03, 2006

i have a blog

Well yes, after about 2 years of deliberation, i've finally decided to start a blog.
Um, a few points:
1. I'm LAZY. there's a reason why im starting to blog only now..i don't know how long this can last but we'll see.
2. It's going to be mostly crap here. If you want to see cool philosophical stuff, go to my brother's blog (which, incidentally, has a similar template. He copied me, even though he got his blog started first, figure out how that's possible) . I'll TRY to have a few links up soon. Meanwhile, if you're dying to visit his blog, go to
3. Do tag (once the tagboard's up, if it's ever going to be up :D)
4. I'm not sure, but i think this boring template's going to stay awhile unless maybe some IT whiz offers help (hint hint)
ok, have fun!