keep it simple

it's as complicated as you make it out to be

Thursday, August 31, 2006


yeah my blog is dying

Monday, August 14, 2006

thought of the day

isn't it interesting how an online conversation can be littered with hahas, lols and rofls when all we're doing most of the time is typing with a straight face?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

what if.

well i thought a top ten list was too common, and it's everywhere, so i decided i would start a 'what if' column. basically, it's a hypothetical column (actually, it exists..ok failed joke) about the implications if some things that are weren't. i'll try to keep this going, and we'll start off with 'what if the thumb didn't exist, and we only had 4 fingers'

- many more deprived babies with nothing to suck on (pacifiers are NOT satifactory substitutes)
- 1/5 less fingernails' worth to chew
- the rule of what?
- what's good and what's bad?
- no more writing! (actually i'm sure we'll figure some way to do it, ah, masochists)
- well actually how would you hold ANYTHING?
- what middle finger?
- birth of the 'indexdrive'

well that's about it..if you have something to add might want to comment instead of tagging so that it'll stay where it belongs. looks to me like some top ten list actually -.- just that i can shorten and lengthen it at will. wow my shortest post yet. oh yes, send in your ideas for new topics!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

strength in numbers

ever wondered to know why it's fun to belong to a group? and not when you're a loner? now you can find out by just paying a one-time fee of $59.99! just send a cheque to me (it can be blank, i really don't mind) and you will get an answer within 3 working days (i rest from monday to sunday). satisfaction guaranteed! if not, too bad. :) note: price does not include gst and service charge. add it up yourself and send me the correct amount. if it's wrong (ie. you do not get a reply within 3 working days) then you'll have to try again. cash accepted too!

wow that was one paragraph of nonsense, but seriously, if you still feel like sending me the cheque or cash, go ahead. i won't stop you. anyway, there has to be reasons why we see people in groups. there's a reason why restaurants don't have tables with a single seat. i'm sure the reaction to what i'm going to say would be 'gee, i knew that too!' lol

we are all looking for a sense of belonging somewhere, somehow with someone (or someoneS). face it. we feel good when we walk/eat/watch movies with others. it makes us feel wanted, and that there are people who want you around. it gives us a sense of satisfaction and pride. we like it when people are supportive of our stand. contrast it with opposition of just about anything we say. it's kind of strange when you have movements that encourage you to 'be different', and it ends up everyone becomes different in the same way.

and then we have people who strike it out alone. these are the people who have truly radical views about what they see, and as a result, get ostracised by me and you. but if you were to think about it, the reason they're left out is not so much because we don't like them. it's because we fear them. we suscribe to a certain school of thought as to what 'normal' is, and deviation can take place in many ways. as a result, we do not know how a certain 'deviant' behaves, and we are afraid to get closer to him/her to find out more, and we are afraid of getting hurt somehow. hence we decide to just leave him out alone.

hmm wow see that was what you would have gotten $59.99++. well i figured it wasn't worth the money, so i just made it free. -.- but again, if you think you have benefitted from the above, please write a blank cheque to 'the wong wen hui piggy bank fund' and send it to me. i'll send you a hard copy of this as a momento or something. and i just realised something. my posts are too long. if this keeps up i'll be struggling to hit a hundred posts. i'm not even at 10 yet. in line with this, i'm going to start a tongue-in-cheek top ten list that will be up every week (or maybe 2 weeks or maybe a month) so send in your ideas! if your ideas are used you'll get free publicity here! with an average daily readership of 1.78 people! (yes i'm included)

Saturday, August 05, 2006

of names and numbers

hmm sort of a follow-up from the last post about phones. no answers, but something just struck me yesterday.

it seems like the abundance of, um, everything has made it impossible to give just about anything a proper name. and by proper name i mean words that define and describe an item. we resort to numbers to differientiate between items with similar yet unique functions. think television sets, think computers, think pencils, think phones.

seems like there's a pattern here. its the appliances that have been introduced only recently (i don't mean the last 6 months) have had an issue with names. imagine if our food were numbered in a similar way. hey, have you tried the e54 satay recently? it tastes good! -.-

then, of course, if we didn't resort to numbers, picture walking into an electrical appliance store or something. some salesman begins ' sir, would you like to have a look at this able-to-fit-104-clothes-at-once, takes-only-5-minutes-for-a-full-wash, guaranteed-to-keep-your-clothes-clean washing machine. yes sir, that is the name of the washing machine.' or an extract from a daily conversation. 'look! i have the newest 3g-bluetooth-comes-at only-$890-with-a-2-year-plan-phone-with-an-18-megapixel-camera!' isnt it cool? yeah, your 3g-bluetooth-comes-at only-$890-with-a-2-year-plan-phone-with-an-18-megapixel-camera is cool!' ok that was a mouthful lol, but you get the point.

but of course it's quite sad that we are turning to numbers to define items we use in our everyday lives. it's almost as if we've lost our bond with these items, and just treat them as another insignificant part of our lives. just like inmates who are identified by only numbers. not a very appropriate comparison i guess, but still..

just e54 satay for thought.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


well this is the last of 4 promised after this i'll be free again! which means you probably wouldn't see a new post tomorrow, and the next one will come in some time (always a subtle way to say a long time). before we get to the main topic for today, i'm going to complain for a bit.

slept for less 3 hours yesterday to compile survey results for pw (i need 15 hours of sleep a day, so just do the maths and realise how sleep-deprived i was). after i finished there was actually a sense of satisfaction because there was finally something substantial i could show to my st after about 7 months? then they had to have the dialogue thing with the 2nd permanent secretary for education drag on past the second period, effectively ending pw. so basically i did the work for nothing. besides the fact that i won't have to do anything for thurday's session.

wow whining sure takes up a lot of space. anyway let's get to today's topic proper: phones. have you ever wondered how mobile phone companies come up with names for different models. like why do they call it the v3x, why not v4x? or w3x? or the l6 and l7. why l? and not j or k or something.. (yes you can see a pattern here, i'm shamelessly promoting motorola phones)

it's the same thing with nokia, with the 6230, 6280, 3120, 8310, 7610, 7380 and blah blah (yes lol i did my research). other companies have similar names for their phones, so i believe there's no need to elaborate further. maybe they pick winning 4d numbers from 6 years ago and then use one to start a series by adding 10 or 50 to each new phone in the same series. or maybe they engage some experienced fortune teller and get his parrot to pick the numbers. ah well. but if anyone does have an answer, do let me know.

well i guess that's it while i get back to my work, which is still piling up. i heard the other day that people have begun to mug for the promos, while my resolution for august was to do (all) my tutorials. go figure. haha..well it was fun while it lasted, but i guess you won't be seeing anything new soon. maybe this weekend or next week.

on a side note, now at least my archives for august won't be empty :D
