keep it simple

it's as complicated as you make it out to be

Tuesday, February 08, 2011


way overdue. but i ate so much for new year my fingers couldn't each hit only a single key until today. so during my teaching stint last month, there're many people i want to thank and have thanked one way or the other.  this is the last bit.  i want to thank the people on my bus.  when you take a bus at approximately the same time every day, you're bound to see a couple of familiar faces after awhile.  and i was kinda happy to see them, even if we didn't really talk.

in no particular order,

the bus driver(s) - ok i didn't really notice you guys, but i'm thankful for the many 'oh! it's almost the red light! i'm gonna beat it!' moments that made sure i wasn't late.

the caucasian - i spent the better half of the month wondering where you were heading in a shirt and pants at 7 plus in the morning. fellow teacher maybe?

the peicai girl - thanks to you, i began thinking about why it was so important to be in school on time 6-7 years ago. i'm serious.  now that i think about it, being on the dot/borderline late for school doesn't really have a big direct impact on your life, and it's kind of cool you realise this now, and i'm only finding out now.

the nsf - :) you'll be done soon.