keep it simple

it's as complicated as you make it out to be

Thursday, September 23, 2010

confusing overextended metaphor #2

people are like buildings. sometimes they're open, at others, they're closed. find out when it's best to visit.

2: there's only so much you can see from outside. get in there to explore and see for yourself the different levels.

3: sometimes the main door's a little rusty, because the last person who entered or left did so a long time ago. spend more effort to get the door open; it may just be worth the effort.

4: in an emergency, the main entrance may be locked. break in if you need to. it may not be appreciated at first, but if you think it's worth it, go for it.

5: reinforce it when you can. it increases the likelihood it survives an earthquake or any other disaster.

Monday, September 20, 2010

confusing overextended metaphor #1

people are like raindrops. you've got to let them hang out with their closest friends to see them for who they are. just like you can truly see the strength of rainfall only when it hits a puddle of water, and not the ground or grass.

2: and like rain, people can not appear for long periods or appear all of a sudden. but their presence can often be predicted with great consistency. this knowledge gives us great comfort in consistency, that we believe tomorrow is going to be just like today.

3: like rain, when people show you who they are, appreciate them for it, and be thankful you can see them as an individual, or it may be lost forever, like rain after it hits the ground or enters a pool of water.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

short posts..

..appear to be cryptic.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

pair up!

spoon fork
beauty beast
even odd
on off
day night
apple orange
bitter sweet
black white
up down
brother sister
yes no
eat drink
work play
happy sad
empty full
first last

Sunday, September 12, 2010

the pursuit of happyness

simple, never-fail way to be happy.

when you're sad :(:(:(

1. take the last ( and bring it to the front. then you get (:(:(:

2. space out the smiley faces, then you can't go back to being sad. (: (: (:

easy! haha

Friday, September 10, 2010

lessons from simon and garfunkel

don't talk; speak.
don't hear; listen.

Monday, September 06, 2010


facebook is too scary. i enter my password wrongly and leave the tab there and forget about it. ten minutes later it sends an email apologising for me having trouble logging in and offers password help. wow. really?

facebook is too scary.