keep it simple

it's as complicated as you make it out to be

Sunday, August 29, 2010

so says (sings) coldplay

but if you never try, you'll never know, just what you're worth.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

game dynamics

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


i need my old chang kee.

Monday, August 23, 2010


so, first off, i want to acknowledge the great game of tetris. i recently rediscovered the joy of arranging odd shapes into rows (especially when you clear 4 at once with the long one! such a 'yes!' moment!). it also brought back memories of playing on a monochrome handheld device, hopscotch, catching, five stones, pick up sticks, lego, nursery rhymes (my favourite, of course, being the correct but not well-known way of singing the alphabet song), and many many more. guess there was a time that computers didn't exist, then.

being a child's weird though. it's when your brain has the capability to learn the most, yet it's when you're the most restricted by authority figures. it's when you're disciplined (ok maybe an asian thing) the most, but is the time you miss the most upon 'growing up'. i remember having 3 canes at home, one for each of us. i actually think it's pretty funky and cool now (in addition to it being a waste of money), but back then i guess they worked pretty well. do something wrong, and YOUR cane would be waiting for you. pretty powerful warning sign.

i guess the one thing that appeals to me the most about childhood is how you get away with things. it's kind of amazing how being a child absolves you of long lasting consequences. and with that comes the lack of self-censorship. which is something that's desperately needed in the adult world. a child who speaks freely is pure. an adult who does the same, sadly, is more often than not frowned upon.

in a completely unrelated thought, when i'm back in singapore at the end of the year, i'm going into tourist mode. i'm going to the zoo, night safari, bird park, science centre, ubin, the flyer, sentosa. it's a little alarming knowing how many of these places i haven't visited in years.

and ok tiff, i owe you a drawing.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


one ton
two cool
three blind mice
five stones
six pence
seven(th) heaven
figure of eight
nine lives
perfect ten


Friday, August 13, 2010

good stuff

Monday, August 09, 2010

three blind mice

i woke up today and somehow immediately thought of the the nursery rhyme.  so here it is! (ok i had to google the lyrics cause all i could remember was 'three blind mice see how they run'

Three blind mice, three blind mice,
See how they run, see how they run,
They all ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off their tails with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a thing in your life,
As three blind mice?

and did you know that this originated in some religion thing?  apparently the daughter of some king (farmer's wife), who was a staunch catholic, persecuted 3 protestant noblemen (the blind mice)!  power of the internet! and we (ok fine..i) have been happily singing it for the past 20 years.

the melody is admittedly super-catchy though.  and clearly i just woke up.  

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


i really really want it to snow.  please?

Sunday, August 01, 2010

circles and dots

2nd bit from theories in the shower.  my artistic prowess simply failed.  i couldn't draw a circle, so let's just use imagination.  imagination's good.  it forces you to think. plus, it allows me to be lazy.

this is a relationship model just seems to make sense (well, to me anyway).  of course, plenty to expand on hopefully in the future.

first off, imagine. imagine a big circle.  this represents everything about you - your personality, actions, beliefs, interests, where you go on monday mornings, basically, well, everything.  and then a dot somewhere in the middle.  that's you.  right at this moment. now.

so as time passes, this circle changes, expanding and contracting in different areas.  this world is an entire venn diagram of circles, 7 billion of them.  and some are going be independent.  some will overlap, some more so than others.  and that's how relationships come about.  because the dots (us) are always going to be their own circles,  when two dots come into a shared space in their circles, things happen.  friendships are forged.  and the bigger the overlap (more similar traits, hobbies blah), the higher the chance a positive relationship develops.

and here's where knowledge and awareness comes in.  dots clearly have the power to move around, and can consciously move in and out of shared spaces, and we do.  choosing whether we want to be part of a group or be alone, temporary or permanent.  choosing (at times) how our circles should expand.  but of course, we don't always know about others and their circles.  and that's when we float unintentionally into shared spaces, good thing or not.

so there we are, just dots floating about in our circles. raw yes, but maybe, just maybe, this could work.  don't you just love math. :)