keep it simple

it's as complicated as you make it out to be

Monday, May 16, 2011

clever things on toilet walls

this sentence contains thirty eight letters.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011


way overdue. but i ate so much for new year my fingers couldn't each hit only a single key until today. so during my teaching stint last month, there're many people i want to thank and have thanked one way or the other.  this is the last bit.  i want to thank the people on my bus.  when you take a bus at approximately the same time every day, you're bound to see a couple of familiar faces after awhile.  and i was kinda happy to see them, even if we didn't really talk.

in no particular order,

the bus driver(s) - ok i didn't really notice you guys, but i'm thankful for the many 'oh! it's almost the red light! i'm gonna beat it!' moments that made sure i wasn't late.

the caucasian - i spent the better half of the month wondering where you were heading in a shirt and pants at 7 plus in the morning. fellow teacher maybe?

the peicai girl - thanks to you, i began thinking about why it was so important to be in school on time 6-7 years ago. i'm serious.  now that i think about it, being on the dot/borderline late for school doesn't really have a big direct impact on your life, and it's kind of cool you realise this now, and i'm only finding out now.

the nsf - :) you'll be done soon.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

to kill a cat

i honestly have no clue. for xo, which is the hug and which is the kiss?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

the other side of the glass door

so i've been on school attachment for 2 weeks now! it's been a pretty good experience so far, and i guess as a student when i looked for a teacher in the staff room, i would wonder what goes on in the nice little comfy air conditioned cubicles they they had in there.

two weeks into the job, one thing's obvious.  after school as a student, i would want to go out (ok fine, i'm just pretending i had many friends to go out with).  now, i just want to go home.  and the feeling gets stronger as the week passes.  so yesterday, i left school, took the bus and immediately went home, no lunch no time wasting.  then i just did...nothing.

seriously though, i've really been quite inspired by the teachers there.  it's one thing to be able to teach a subject, it's another to teach 2 or 3 different ones.  and it's another to teach them to different levels. and it's yet another to teach them to kids of different abilities.  so it's been pretty amazing to see them in action, doing their thing and making it look easy.

some things i've learnt.  that canteen food's cheap, but not always good.  that there's a difference between home and a home.  that we all have different needs.  that 5 years make A LOT of difference.  that things have changed a lot.  that some things never change.  and that teaching is easier and more difficult than i thought.

cheers to another two weeks! 

Sunday, January 02, 2011

stats stats

ok so i only *just* found out you can find out stats about your blog! how nice of blogspot! i'm a little addicted to it i think.  must be an ego thing sigh.  i like check it maybe twice a day.

did you know i have readers from latvia and germany? muahahahaha *proud beam*. ok fine it's only 2 page views, so they probably came by, found it boring, then left.  sigh.

but stats are still cool!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

bus and more!

three in a row! on a roll.

when you're sitting alone in a bus, most seats are half-taken up (one person sitting), then a stranger decides to sit next to you, i think there's a feel good feeling! like out of so many people heshe could have sat next to, heshe picked you! it's probably a really really subconscious thing, but just have a think about it.  ok, maybe it's just me.

on a completely unrelated note, my family doesn't really celebrate christmas.  so when i was young, i would imagine boxing day as a day where everyone got together and just er...have boxing matches.  and then i would like think why the day after christmas had to be so violent. growing up was fun.